Use the eye dropper tool to sample the darkest green color, then paint the four corners with a little grunge in that color. 使用滴管工具的眼睛最黑暗的抽样绿色,然后画的四个角落的小垃圾在这颜色。
The Eye Dropper can be used on a neutral gray area to set colour. 吸管能被用来设定中灰,但是一定要保证你的电脑屏幕经过专业校正。
I steadily untwisted the top and inserted the eye dropper, lifted it up, and let drops out until the eyedropper was filled to the lowest dose. 我稳稳地旋开瓶盖,插入药用滴管,举起瓶子,让药水滴出直至滴满滴管的最低剂量处。